Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we work on both foreign and domestic cars and light trucks. We have the capability for true mandrel exhaust pipe bending from 2 1/2" to 3". Plus our work comes with the TECHNET 24/24 warranty. Some restrictions may apply.

Yes we do. We are known for trouble shooting the problems associated with the check or service engine light. We have the high tech diagnostics equipment and the skilled workers to take care of this problem in a timely manner.

Yes, our work is warrantied through TECHNET Automotive Service which is a premium nationwide automotive third party warranty provider. TECHNET is a leader in automotive warranty coverage. Your repairs are automatically covered by TECHNET's 24/24 policy at NO COST TO YOU. If our repair fails, you can bring your vehicle back to us or you have the option to take your vehicle to any authorized TECHNET repair shop and your repair is covered for up to 24 months or 24,000 miles. Some restrictions apply.

Yes, we use Fluid Film® This is a premium product and our staff is professionally trained in it's application.

Yes, if you are a business or an individual with multiple vehicles, we would like to discuss a service plan that will keep your vehicles in top running condition.

Most likely yes, we suggest you call first to help us better understand your specific situation. We have the diagnostic equipment and A.S.E. certified mechanics.

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